Imogen Holly-may Price was born on 5th december 2000. She weighed 4lb 10.5 oz and was like a little bird sitting in the palm of your hands. From day i guess i knew Imy had something wrong with her but all i got told is no 2 babies are the same. How right they was imy because i now see u was sent her on borrowed time as a gift. At first you did great never cried ate when you needed to. Then you stopped putting weight on and it got more and more difficult to feed you. Some feeds could take over 2 hours yet still noone listened to my concerns. We battled on and at 3 months old you had your very first fit. I rushed you straight to the drs we took one look at you and sent you straight to the manor hospital, While there they didnt take me seriously that was until you fitted yet again whilst feedin. All panick stations then and they acted by sending you for a catscan. They thought it was your heart but I knew deep down there was something wrong with your brain. A week later it was all confirmed that you did indeed have something wrong with your brain. Over the phone her consultant told me it was a condtion known as Lissencephaly.This meaning she had a smooth brain which would affect her everyday life. little did we know then just how much you would have to go through and suffer. From that day i here was my big task in life to learn all about my little angel and what this condtion would mean. The first 7 months were so hard on you baby girl. I would have to just sit and watch the pain for constant fits and chest infections it was a miracle you made it past this. You diagnoses wasnt good you would have a life limited life. At first it was believed you wouldnt make it past 1 yr old. Little did they know you and they sheer determination you have and the strength i never know where you found it from.
At 5 months old you started having infantile spasms the most heart breaking thing any person can witness. your whole body bent in half then straight then in half this carried on for hours your poor little body so tired It killed me watching you go through it all.Then i wished you could go just to be out of pain. i transferred you to BCH this was the best ever decision i ever made for you. there they changed your meds and put you straight onto a ngtube they found out your feed was going straight onto your lungs and causing most of your problems. When you improved we had you transfered to New Cross and this was the best move for you, You was put under the most fantastic cinsultant there we said we can either have imogens fit under totally control and her living life as a cabbage, or somefits and a life. she soon got you on the right path both with your fits and feed wise. Within 3 months you was a different baby your fits alot less and gaining weight. The first 6 months of your life you lived in hospital what life was this for you. But here you was fighting telling me different .